County: Santa Fe
City: Los Cerrillos
State: New Mexico
Zip: 87010
Road: Off of Dos Arroyos Road
Parcel Number: 910010363
Acreage: 42.76
Price: $44,900
Property Type: Rural residential
Terrain: Flat to high ridge
Elevation: 5,826’
Best Attribute: Incredible views for miles
Legal Description: Tract B T14N, R7E, Section 22, 42.760 Acres
Power: Would need solar or alternative
Phone: Cellular
Water: Would need a well or alternative
Sewer: Would need septic or alternative
Roads: Dirt Roads
Time to Build: None
Title Information: Clear title
Annual Property Taxes (approx.): $745.26
HOA/ Misc Fees: None
Navigation Directions (Important)
Approximate GPS Property Corner Points (refer to reference picture):
NW: 35.424640, -106.195421
SW: 35.420772, -106.195442
NE: 35.424625, -106.191011
SE: 35.420764, -106.191000
Terms: Cash